
Book Lists

The ultimate book list for atheists

The Ultimate Book List for Atheists

This is destined to become the ultimate book list for atheists. Please leave comments with your favourite books to add to the list which will be updated regularly.

books for skeptics

The top 10 Books for Skeptics

If you are someone who asks questions about everything around you, we have selected a great list of books for you. In this collection, some of the world’s leading scientists and academics challenge established beliefs in thought-provoking fashion.

Book Reviews

Flights of Fancy - Richard Dawkins

Book Review: Flights of Fancy by Richard Dawkins

“Flights of Fancy” is a fascinating read that will take you soaring through the evolution and design of flight!

Book Review: Jesus, Interrupted by Bart D. Ehrman

“Jesus, Interrupted” is a must-read if you are interested in unlocking the bible and understanding the historical Jesus.

why we believe in god(s)

Book Review: Why We Believe in God(s) by J. Anderson Thompson Jr

“Why We Believe in God(s)” is a fascinating trip into the evolution and development of humans to understand our need for god(s)

Book review for Armin Navabi's "Why There IS No God"

Book Review: Why There Is No God by Armin Navabi

Whilst there is nothing earth-shattering in the content “Why There Is No God” does a good job of covering the key counter-arguments to the usual challenges that most atheists will have encountered before. Each counter is laid out in a a structured approach. They cover topics range from “the burden of proof” and “scripture as proof” to “morality” and “the complexity of life”.

Outgrowing God

Book Review: Outgrowing God by Richard Dawkins

Outgrowing God is a masterful piece of writing. This is the book I wish I could have read 10 years before I finally became an atheist.

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Warning: If you are afraid of science, reason and facts, this may not be for you!

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