Movies & TV

Movie & TV Lists

Atheist TV

The Ultimate TV List for Atheists

This is destined to become the ultimate TV list for atheists. Please leave comments with your favourite TV series to add to the list which will be updated regularly.

Atheist Movies

The Ultimate Movie List for Atheists

This is destined to become the ultimate movie list for atheists. Please leave comments with your favourite movies to add to the list which will be updated regularly.

Movies for atheists and skeptics

The Top 10 Movies for Atheists

I decided to undertake an exercise to see what movies with atheist themes were out there. It was somewhat of a surprise to discover how few movies deal objectively with the topic of religion.

Movie & TV Reviews

A monthly email on science, skepticism and freethinking

Warning: If you are afraid of science, reason and facts, this may not be for you!

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