1. The Demon-Haunted World
Sagan challenges western education systems and the lack of focus on scientific studies. He fearlessly attacks pseudoscience in all its forms and questions a world where crystals, auras and astrology attract more attention than geology, medicine and astronomy. This is our number one choice in the top 10 books for skeptics.
2. The Bible Unearthed
The authors reference a vast knowledge of archeology in compiling a book which seeks to separate biblical fact from fiction. The Bible Unearthed examines biblical stories ranging from Exodus to David and compares these to what the evidence tells us.
3. Why I Became an Atheist
John W. Loftus, once an evangelical Christian and preacher, candidly talks about his journey from Christianity to Atheism in this insightful book. Addressing all the challenges and questions along his journey, he paints a compelling picture for others to follow.
4. Asimov’s Guide to the Bible
As always, this brilliant author, brings a new dimension to the Bible with his very methodical approach to put the bible into its historical context. He examines why much of the bible doesn’t appear in historical texts and vice versa. Possibly the most comprehensive study of the biblical texts every undertaken.
5. The God Delusion
Richard Dawkins, the scientist and philosopher, pulls no punches as he takes on god and religion in The God Delusion. Unlike many other authors who are more tolerant of individuals’ personal choices Dawkins provides no place to hide for the religious.
6. Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan beautifully crafted masterpiece Pale Blue Dot, describes the future of our species and our fragile planet. He examines mankind’s role in their destruction and stewardship and considers our options for a future in space.
7. God is not Great
A great review of the major religious texts to highlight their obvious flaws and inconsistencies. Hitches promotes a preferred secular option and his desire of a world based on science and not medieval beliefs.
8. Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife
Mary Roach takes a fresh look at the topic of the afterlife. She looks at a number of experiments and contemporary research taking place to understand whether there is proof of any existence after this one!
9. Undeniable
In this brilliant book, Bill Nye introduces the concepts associated with evolution and the scientific view of creation. He tackles some of the religious proponents of young earth creationism (YEC) with well constructed arguments, and hard evidence.
10. Skeptic: Viewing the World with a Rational Eye
Completing our top 10 books for skeptics list is a compilation of essays by Michael Shermer (written for his column in Scientific American) in which he debunks pseudoscience in all its forms. This book is great for anyone who loves science and in particular for us skeptics!