Science Memes
If science did ever prove the existence of a god, the atheists would be the first to believe in this new deity, whilst the religious would stubbornly cling to their false gods.
If there is a soul that exists outside of our physical beings, what was it doing before I was born, because I don't remember anything!
Progressive Revelation
Every heard of this theory? Many believers argue that god only reveals things progressively over time.
Strange how god seems to reveal things at the same pace as scientific discovery.
If god created humans to worship him, why did he create a world that existed for billions of years before we got here?
Why did an Omniscient god not provide a hint in the bible as to evolutionary, gravitational or quantum theory?
The ultimate irony: If science ever did prove the existence of a god, the atheists would be the first to believe in this new deity, whilst the religious would stubbornly cling to their false gods.