Secularism Memes

A collection of atheist memes I have created. I'd love to hear your comments. Feel free to use them but please leave the memes as you find them (including the SkepticHeretic logo.)

Secularism Memes

Secular: Skeptic Heretic

20% of U.S. hospital beds are in religious hospitals.

Secular: Skeptic Heretic

The tide of secularism won't be stopped.

Anti-religion: Skeptic Heretic

Believers, tell me: Does it not bother you that 90% of people out there would kill for their beliefs with the same conviction you have?

Quote: Skeptic Heretic

In a world with no second chances, we do not have the luxury of allowing ignorance to flourish, or even worse, to be promoted

Quote: Skeptic Heretic

It is so dangerous to have a planet full of people who think that this life is a dress-rehearsal.

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